Getting error on Windows 10
I'm getting this error while trying to mine on Windows 10 along with two Rx 480 GPUs. Pleaselet me know the solution. Thanks
View ArticleWhy you SHOULD NOT MINE Ethereum now with more rigs
You should NOT be buying more mining gear to mine now. WHY? Here's my argument.Lets do some rough realistic calculations for those who are lazy...50,000 USD to spendThat will allow us to buy 33 units...
View ArticleAre older motherboards fine for mining?
Hi there guys, I was wondering if there is anything against building a rig with older hardware, I mean Core2Duo 2,3GHz on a P35 chipset motherboard.What should I worry about? Have you ever had any...
View ArticleBest guide to modifying card bios and overclocking?
I understand that for best results you need to change memory timings, overclock memory, underclock the core clock, and undervolt to save on power. What I am a bit confused about and what hasn't been...
View ArticleRX 480 hynix is 28.5 mh/s the best I can do?
There are 2 memory codeh5gc4h24ajedw4032babHere is the screenshot[img][/img]gpu-z reports
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I got sapphire nitro cards 4gb with hynix chip (according to gpu-z)I tried to clock it. but can't make it run more than 27.6mhAnd memory controller doesn't hit more than 92-93%. How can i load mem...
View ArticleProblem with Asus AMD Radeon RX 480 Dual Overclocked 8 GB GDDR5-RAM
Hello,i tried to mine with thoase cards... - but - from 1 to 5 cards, always getting BSODs one after one, so i tried do slow down speed to 1200MHz coreSo default settings not working, and slowed speed...
View ArticleUndervolting
So I am on stock bios and wanting to lower my wattage and heat output I have 2 480s and 1 470 that may have a bios mod on it (bought used ) I want to lower my voltage and clockspeeds to lower my...
View ArticleRX480 Flashed to RX580 ... :)
great news !!!Radeon RX 480 Cards Can Successfully be Flashed to RX 580
View ArticleHow do miners get their GPU above 100 Mhs ?
This is a question that has been asked and answered a thousand times I am sure. I understand that there are factors like OS, GPU card and then rigs containing multiple GPU cards. But what I have...
View ArticleAbout ETH mining speed on dual mode
While my 2x rx470 runs at 53mhs with ETH only mode, but around 48-52mhs with dual mode. So, it's a bit lower than ETH only mode.Anyone who's experiencing same problem? or, any...
View ArticleBoysie's RX480 (REF) BIOS 29MH LOW PWR - ETH OR DUAL Mining
Hi All,So thought I would play with the other end of the scale and look at low power people, as my other 32MH looks like for now to be the extreme top end covered off.I haven't read anyones posts about...
View ArticleGPU Mining is out, come and let us know of your bench scores!
**This thread is for benchmark results only - post questions in other threads**Geth GPU support is coming soon, in the meantime, the C++ miner is out.The purpose of this thread is to post GPU results,...
View ArticleBiostar TB85 & Asrock H81 - 6th RX480 Card Crashes on Windows Startup
I need some guidance on a new rig I am working on. As soon as 6th GPU is installed, Windows won't boot and goes BSOD. 5x GPUs runs smoothly without any issue.[Edit] : My secondardy Asrock H81 BTC rig...
View ArticleI've run out of ideas - freezing on watchdog restart
I've been having an issue with my 480 rig where after 1-12 hours of mining, it is restarted by watchdog in Claymore. But then upon restart it freezes the whole computer. I'm left with two logs, the...
View ArticleMSI B250M
Hello everyone. Does someone use this chipset for mining and how many gpus can set on one mobo, with fact that has 5 pcie slots. I had b150 and can recognize just 3 and it has 4 pci. Thank you.
View ArticleHelp with issues getting 6th GPU to work
I have been running this rig for a few months now, no matter what I try I cannot get it to run 6 cards properly. Cards are Powercolor Red Devil RX480's with Boysie's 31MH Bios. Initially all 6 cards...
View ArticleSapphire RX 470
I just got 6 sapphire RX 470 with SKU:1651. Do you know if it's Elpida or Hynix or Samsung or MIcron?
View ArticleIs it too late to expect an ROI?
I originally wanted to mine 8 months ago but chickened out due to the uncertainty behind PoS timing. Now with the looming difficulty bomb, I'm wondering what your thoughts are on a potential ROI if I...
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