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[PiMP: Portable Instant Mining Platform] 64bit, Scrypt/N/ETH/XMR/ZEC and many more

It's here! PiMP 1.9 and 2.0 are released.

Announce video: https://getpimp.org/video-brand-new-pimp-software-to-mine-cryptocurrency/

Quick Start
Comes as a pre-built image so you don't have to install drivers and programs yourself.
Default configs and miners are provided so you can mine out of the box.
Simple commands can change all your workers, wallets, and pools in config files.
You also get a GUI desktop for easy local operation of the rig.

Easy to use
Manage your miners with easy commands: stop/start, switch, edit, del, and status
Customized PiMP editor provides syntax highlighting and integrated syntax checking for easy config edits.
Remote VNC/RDP is preinstalled to make it even easier for Windows miners to upgrade to PiMP.
While tweaking and tuning, use the test commands and attach to screen of miners to get a closer look.
integration with miner.farm makes easy online web monitoring a snap and problems easy to see.
You get simple backup tools that save a copy of your confs and miner builds for later.
Control all GPU, CPU, and ASIC miners from the same interface

Real support
GPU types and counts are shown at the login screen for instant troubleshooting information.
You have a team of developers, miners, testers, and other community members available in chat to help you use the software 24/7.
Built in diagnostic tools provide the critical information you can share, so you can get help faster.

State of the art
You have support for nearly all open-source and binary miner software out of the box.
All data communications to miner.farm are SSL/TLS encrypted for your security.
Use a platform built fresh on a modern distro release, all new from the ground up.
Volume license and mass deployment commands and tools are included for multi-rig setups.
Enjoy support for the latest AMD GPUs with custom tools to manipulate the settings.
Have a professional look so you can impress your friends or your clients.
Secure coding done is by professional, experienced developers and sysadmins.
Check stats at a glance with USB LCD backpack display support.

Heavy rains, GFCI breaker tripping in basement!

Oh man, noticed one of my rigs in the basement was off this morning. There are two 13 GPU rigs side by side, each plugged into a different 20a GFCI circuit. The one breaker for the rig placed by the corner wall had tripped. The rig next to it was still running and is getting a little better air circulation.

I reset the breaker, started it up and a few hours later it tripped again. Since then it has tripped once more.

We have standing water in the back yard due to sustained rain and melting snow. And more heavy rains expected tonight!

It is 56 degrees outside and the RX580 cards in the basement were at around 75-76 degrees C after running about 60 C or even less the whole winter. I have since placed a second dehumidifier on that side of the basement right next to the rigs. The temps seem to be lower now.

I had to do GFCI breakers because the basement is unfinished and it is a code requirement. I'd hate to see the temps on a hot humid summer day (90 - 100). Not sure if it is going to work - lol!

I'll be adding exhaust fans for the basement soon and also modifying the return ducts above the rigs so the hot air can be spread throughout the house in the winter.

Sapphire 580 Nitro+ 8GB labeled incorrectly??!!


I recently got a shipment of Sapphire 580 Nitro+ 8GB cards in. The box is for an 8GB card, the serial number (on the box and on the card itself) says that they're 8GB, but the card only shows up as 4GB when connected. There are at least a handful that are this way, but they all haven't been opened yet. Has anybody ever seen this before??

These are from a very reputable nationwide supplier, so it's not like I bought them in some sketchy deal or anything.


New 8GPU Mining Rig Case 4U server Rack setups and Mod Kit

Hey guys, just wanted some feedback on what you all might want out of this if you were interested. I use the 4U case so designed parts and CNC cut/tap to make it cleaner and started offering to others.
The 4U Case features upgraded Artic Fans, 8GPU Mod Kit, Risers, 3rd rear fan mount plate, and front top shroud with control mount above front fans.

Let me know what you think. Or let me know what else you need built/designed if any ideas come to mind. Thanks! 8gpu.com

$375 or ETH for the Ready to roll 4U case.

$80 or ETH for the Mod Kit you can use and install.

edit: about to above, text

Need 10 watts per each MHs produced

Do you agree (check on your riggers setup) that, for each MHs your riggers is producing, you need power in the range 8 to 10 watts ?


6x AMD RX580 = 180 MHs will require 1500 to 1800w PSU
6x Nvidia1060 = 140 MHs will require 1100 to 1400w PSU

(Considering 80% as limit to protect long life your PSU)

Venezuela Named Cheapest Place in the World to Mine Bitcoin!

1 card out of 6 GPU RUNNING HOT

My rig goes like this.

2 x ZOTAC 1070Ti MINI


Everything is running fine. But the last GPU is alone running hot at 74c. All other cards are doing at 60c. The hot card is the last one in the corner of the rig.
I tried changing the risers. Still its the same.

What could be the problem ??

4GB Nvidia Laptop on Nanopool hashing but not sharing ?

Hi guys. I dont know if this is the right place to post. But i have been mining on a RX 470 on Nanopool for 2 months or so - it showed my worker mining and reported its rates without issues. made half way to my pool limit and sold the graphics card for a small profit. I wanted to try an experiment out so I got a Dell Inspiron 5000 Gaming laptop with a nvidia geforce 1050m onboard - I researched the specs beforehand and in theory it has the specs for mining, when I set Claymore Dual Miner mining the laptop hashes between 8-12 but isnt getting any shares and isnt reporting worker progress, also my ethereum mining amount isnt increasing, i am wondering if this if this is because the laptop has 4gb of VRAM and perhaps not the proper type of graphics memory that most full size graphics cards come with? But if that was the case then why is it still reporting hashrates of between 8-12mhs? I am just trying to get it up and mining but untill it starts accepting shares I can't seem to make any progress. Any suggestions?

Mining from nanopool to same wallet from different rigs?


I have a question.
For example:
1. I start mining from nanopool to my exodus wallet
2. Nanopool has minimum payout (thus means that before it reaches that specific payout no payout is made)
3. My test mining wallet address is here

As you can see it has balance 0.00531658 ETH (3 eur and 81 cents)

This was mined to Exodus wallet. but remember that no payout to my wallet so far is made because minimum payout for nanopool is not met.
Now i had to re-install windows on my PC (pc that had exodus installed).
Now when i re-installed windows and re-installed exodus wallet i am getting different wallet address from Exodus
So now i do not know how can I continue with balance 0.00531658 ETH that i had in nanopoo.

Cannot run 3 or more GPU

Hi guys!

I am new to mining and need a little help.

I have bough equipment for 1 á 6 x GPU(RX580 sapphire sp ed).

MB: ASrock h81 btc pro 2.0
PSU: 1200 EVG Premium
GPU 6 x Sapphire RX580
OS: Win10
Drivers: Freshly AMD Blockchain drivers
Powered USB Risers to each GPU (have tried with one sata for each GPU or 1 for 3, doesnt matter)
2 X Molex connected to the MB ( have tried without also)

In the beginning i could run 6 cards for like an hour or so. Then comp restarted. Since then I can only run max 2 cards. If i use 3, then comp restarts when Claymore says "Create GPU buffer.." BUT if I lower the power Limit to 80% (-20%) then I can run them for, let say 2 minutes of mining.
I can start the computer with all 6, but only start mining with max 2. I have tried with completely fresh cards. I have tried a new PSU. It feels like i've tried everything.. but I get the same problem all the time.

Anyone have some idea? Would buying ethOs Help me anything with this issues?

I am totally exhuasted of trying to get this work now. please help :)

Weird RX560 please help :)

So i just bought cheap 2 months used XFX RX560 4g and when it came it ended up being 560D.
Guy i bought it from swears that bios was never touched(though i really doubt that, someone flashed it, he or shop he bought it from did it)
Win 10, GPU-Z, Afterburner and hwinfo report card as RX460 as you can see below. Drivers are blockchain beta

Card is still xfx, clocks for core and memory are as they should be on xfx 560D but card is 460 and it has 1024 shaders.
I have it running claymore mining etherium for 12h stable at 10.8mhs, but any overclock i try doesn't matter, its stuck at 10.8mhs until it crashes on higher OC.

All of the above is not the problem i have with this card. Problems start when i try to flash bios on it.
I tried AtiWinflash, atiflash 4.17 and atiflash 3.99(latter 2 with bootable usb ofc) and they all cant find adapter.
Card is in 2nd slot on my pc cos on first is my watercooled 1070.
Bios i got card with is attached.
If anyone has some idea how to flash it please help.

How do you putty into a 192.168.1.X miner when you are not on the same network

Currently I have my setup where xfinity modem comes in connected to a linksys router. This router then is connected to a TPlink switch. I would like to putty into the rigs which are offstream the TPlink Switch however the IP addresses are 192.168.1.etc. I am however on the otherside of the house and connect in via another router and have assigned IP addresses via the cable modem of 10,0,0x. I do not want to disable the DHCP on the linksys router because I am having problems keeping the switch connected to the modem which almost daily needs a manual restart of the switch.

R7 370 Optimized Bios

On the Bitcointalk thread someone optized the Bios for the 4GB version of the R7 370.


Should work on:

GIGABYTE R7 370 WindForce 2X OC
HIS R7 370 IceQ X2 OC
MSI R7 370 Gaming
MSI R7 370 OC
PowerColor PCS+ R7 370
Sapphire Dual-X R7 370
Sapphire Nitro R7 370
XFX R7 370
XFX R7 370 Double Dissipation
XFX R7 370 Double Dissipation Black


Best results (only tested a few hours): core: 1080, mem 1650.

12.6GH/s Ether Mining Farm

Hello everyone,

My friend and I have started building our 12.6gh/s mining farm. Right now we have 8 rigs with 6 GPU's each.

Current 8 test rig setup (6x Sapphire Nitro+ RX 580's (8gb) per rig)

Each rig is doing 180mhs to 188mhs. We have already bought all the parts for the next 62 rigs. I will update with a detailed walk through of our setup as we build it out.


How do I get effective hashrate closer to reported hashrate?

Seems like my miners are reporting higher than the effective. How do I get the orange line to more closely match the green line?

Projections in Nanopool, how do they work?

Hi Everyone,
I just completed my first ever computer build, let alone a mining rig last night. I have everything up and running, stable, and am seeing 160+MH/s

My current build consists of:
Asus B250 Mining Expert MOBO
Celeron processer
(2) 4 GB sticks 4DDR Ram
1200W EVGA Platinum PSU
PCIe 006c risers
(5) ASUS ROG Strix 1070Ti
I have Claymore v11.0 running and Nanopool.org My build has been up and running stable with no crashes for 20 hours. Each card is Overclocked to produce about 32MH/s.

Now my questions. I'm familiar with a lot of the concepts behind Blockchain and Ethereum, but am having a hard time with pooling. I know why we pool, but just not how it works on the transactional level.
I took a screenshot at 5:57 today and my projections for one month was only $165. I looked twenty minutes later and it jumped to $330.

1. Was that me finding a block?
2. Is that number low, average or high for my reported MH/s?
3. Will that number continue to grow?
4. Is Nanopool a good place to pool?
5. Do all pool have the same concept of "I have X reported MH/s, but you get Y, which can vary between A-B" (seen by the wavy graph)

Any help would be very much appreciated! I'm new to posting here, but have been using this forum from the beginning.

Currently mining 30 mhs per card at 69 degree Celsius. Safe to increase fan to lower to 60 degrees?

Hi. I live in a tropical country. Mining without ac is pretty hot in the room. Currently I am getting 30 mhs per card at around 69 degrees Celsius since that is what I set in claymore. Would it all be the same of instead of tt=69, I put 55? What will be the difference? I imagine fans will work harder. But will my hashrate drop? I haven't checked if I will be exhausting my card too much with this. Hope to get some inputs.

Unpaid balance not updating

My hash rate is around 300 MH/s but my unpaid balance doesn't seem to be changing, or is at an extremely low rate. Anyone else having this issue? Can someone take a look at this?

Phoenix Miner better than claymore

So today I tried Phoenix miner and I found it to be better than Claymore. Getting a little more mh/s, lower fees, no incorrect shares (so far) and seems like it runs smoother. And it's easy to edit the config file.

I recommend trying it

1423739904 bytes of memory required

ethminer -G --opencl-device 1 --no-precompute 
[OPENCL]:OpenCL device Cayman has insufficient GPU memory.707788800 bytes of memory found < 1423739904 bytes of memory required 
[OPENCL]:OpenCL device Cayman has insufficient GPU memory.935329792 bytes of memory found < 1423739904 bytes of memory required 
No GPU device with sufficient memory was found. Can't GPU mine. Remove the -G argument 
cat /etc/environment 

export GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR=1 
export GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE=90 
same message with 100% MAX_ALLOC and 100 MAX_HEAP_SIZE
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