So I decided to take the dive into mining (Etherium). I love having my computer working, having it idle just seems wrong. I folded for FAH for quite some time and other distributed projects, but have taken a break since things pretty much went GPU. I have a decent rig but a crap card, and decided to change that after reading about Etherium.
I just have my main rig at the moment which is:
Pretty sure I can put 3 of the Sapphire Radeon Nitro RX 470 in ? I ordered the first one today and will grab the other 2 in a couple of weeks.
Currently this rig has a GeForce GTX 550 Ti, not sure if I can even use that card to mine but will give it a shot until other card shows up.
For the miner I was thinking about using the Claymore miner, and for pool Nanopool. These choices ok?
Now for wallet, this part has me confused and I really cannot figure out what to use. So a kick in the right direction would be appreciated
I run Linux Mint 18 as my OS on this rig.
I have done some calculating and each of the Radeon Nitro RX 470 which I rated at 25MH/s @225W with power prices here this is supposed to give me a profit of $800/yr - card costs of course. So for me filling my current rig up with 3 cards makes sense, of course as long as prices hold out. After i am done with my current rig I might make another strictly for mining as well.
Where do I cash coins in at? I made an account at CoinGecko for keeping an eye on Ethereum prices, not sure if that would be a good place to dump what I make?
Any common dangers or pitfalls to watch out for?
I am aware of the possible coming POW/POS deal though still trying to get it figured out lol. I don't mind the risk, I am sure there will always be something to mine and make some cash if you have the hardware for it.
I spend a lot of time reading about it but there is so much information it is hard to absorb it all right now.
I just have my main rig at the moment which is:
Pretty sure I can put 3 of the Sapphire Radeon Nitro RX 470 in ? I ordered the first one today and will grab the other 2 in a couple of weeks.
Currently this rig has a GeForce GTX 550 Ti, not sure if I can even use that card to mine but will give it a shot until other card shows up.
For the miner I was thinking about using the Claymore miner, and for pool Nanopool. These choices ok?
Now for wallet, this part has me confused and I really cannot figure out what to use. So a kick in the right direction would be appreciated

I run Linux Mint 18 as my OS on this rig.
I have done some calculating and each of the Radeon Nitro RX 470 which I rated at 25MH/s @225W with power prices here this is supposed to give me a profit of $800/yr - card costs of course. So for me filling my current rig up with 3 cards makes sense, of course as long as prices hold out. After i am done with my current rig I might make another strictly for mining as well.
Where do I cash coins in at? I made an account at CoinGecko for keeping an eye on Ethereum prices, not sure if that would be a good place to dump what I make?
Any common dangers or pitfalls to watch out for?
I am aware of the possible coming POW/POS deal though still trying to get it figured out lol. I don't mind the risk, I am sure there will always be something to mine and make some cash if you have the hardware for it.
I spend a lot of time reading about it but there is so much information it is hard to absorb it all right now.